“Thoughts Of A Toddler” Continued… Things My Feisty Four Year Old Says

I know it’s different for every family, but we didn’t go through the terrible two’s or “threenager” stage, really.


I remember hearing others say certain things their kids were doing at those ages and just kind of sat back quietly… because Aubrey has always made being a mom look too easy!

But now we have entered what I am calling the “Feisty Four’s” …and my sweet little angel baby (that was a fantastic listener and rule follower) has turned into a small person full of opinions and attitude.

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My girl has always been funny – you can check out my original post on things Aubrey has said in the past – but THIS is a continuation of what I am sure is going to be a lifetime of laughs. It is so funny that you seriously just never know what is going to come out of their tiny little mouths.

The funniest thing with everything that she is saying now is that most of it is true and so quick-witted. More times than not, Drew has to tap me on the shoulder and say “Stop laughing, be the parent.” 

So here is part two of infamous sayings by Aubrey: Things My Feisty Four Year Old Says. 



1.) So Aubrey follows me everywhere, this includes the bathroom,  She was standing there talking to me and all of a sudden says:

Aubrey: Mommy, where is all of your underwear?? Those don’t look like mine! (Pulls her pants down to show me [amazon_textlink asin=’B07DWP6V75′ text=’her undies‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’98f93cbc-cd62-11e8-bbb8-adb290194afd’].)

Me: I know sweetie, these are mommy panties, lets not talk about it.  (I pull them up.)

Aubrey: (Complete shock face.) What just happened!! Where did they go!!

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2.) Me:  Aubrey, please finish your cheese and yogurt.

Aubrey:  I can’t, Mommy.

Me: Why Aubrey? Earlier you just HAD to have that laughing cow cheese.

Aubrey:  If I eat all of this then I will turn white!

Me: Aubrey, you are white…

Aubrey: No ma’am, I am tan, you are really white.  You must like milk!




3.) Me: Aubrey, what is your favorite color?

Aubrey: Glitter!!!

Me: You go girl!


4.) Me:  Aubrey did you wipe after you went potty?

Aubrey: No ma’am.

Me: Aubrey you have to wipe, go back in the bathroom.

Aubrey: (Turns and stomps.) But you don’t ever make Paisley wipe!!

Me: She is a dog

5.) Me: Aubrey, what are you? (Expecting “a big girl” or “a big sister.”)

Aubrey: Phenomenal. (Hair flip.)



6.) Nursing my 9-month old, Caroline. 

Aubrey: Mom, I don’t like it when you feed Caroline.

Me:  Why? This is how she gets her milk.

Aubrey:  But it makes your boobies go from big to really really really small, and I don’t want you to have tiny boobies like me!

Me:  Me either, sweet girl.

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7.) I am holding just a normal cup…not a wine glass or a coffee mug.

Aubrey: Umm Mommy, are you drinking cabernet or coffee??

Me: Just water, Aubrey…

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8.) Right before Aubrey turned four we told her that she would have to start doing chores because she would be a big girl!  She obviously does not know what they are.

Me:  Good morning sweet girl, how did you sleep?

Aubrey:  Great!  I had the best dream.

Me: What was it about?

Aubrey: Doing chores!!



9.) Aubrey: Mommy, when it turns December for Caroline’s birthday it is going to snow!!  Then we can make a snowman!

Me: We sure can! Do you remember how to make a snowman?

Aubrey: Well first it will need some eyebrows, then a scarf, then three balls of snow

Me:  I am impressed with your priorities.




10.) Me: Aubrey, why are you so sassy?

Aubrey: Mom, you put the sass in me when you made me!  (Mic drop.)

Me: (High five.)



What are some things your child has said to you that left you impressed, shocked, and bending over in laughter??


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms, but my full-time job is wine. Find me writing about my two precious girls, aspirations to become friends with Joanna Gaines, and balancing home-life with my career. Cheers! – Jenny


  1. Colleen | 11th Oct 18

    I absolutely love the 4-year-old stage because of their humor. They find something delightful all around them. My daughter is now 13 and her dry humor and quick wit still make me laugh daily.

  2. Emily | 12th Oct 18

    So cute! I have a feeling my one year old is going to be giving me a run for my money before too long!

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