The Look That Became A Lesson

A few weeks ago things were not going as planned at all. We were missing Wednesday night church services for our last swim lesson and basically [amazon_textlink asin=’1719369291′ text=’fit hit the shan‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5ff6bb5e-89f8-11e8-a157-77860ad26577′].

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Trying to get two toddlers out the door on time with a million different bags is hard anyway- not to mention- when the kids start chasing the dog, fall and everything begins to crash and burn!

This is what happened to us. And in the midst of my crazy, the swim teacher calls and said lessons were canceled due to the thunderstorm happening. However, the instructor was going to play a movie on water safety instead. Ugh…I did not want to drive 30 minutes for that-but since we signed up for the course we were going. Well…we were until Rachel fell and it took 20 minutes to get her cleaned up and calmed down making it too late to get to class.

After all the blood, tears and screaming stopped, I just wanted to throw myself on the couch and let [amazon_textlink asin=’B001AIRUOA’ text=’Mickey Mouse and the Clubhouse gang parent my kids until bedtime.‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4b3ee5db-89fb-11e8-bf6e-51bcf60e81ca’] (Not that I’ve done that before…)


BUT…since we weren’t going to make it to swim lessons, we would have time to go to church.

I got myself together, changed clothes and we made our way to church. I also finally remembered to grab the bag of suckers I’d been meaning to take for Pastor’s Pals for the last several weeks.

I rolled into the church parking lot with no crying and just a few minor scrapes. With the bag of suckers in hand, we were only five minutes late!  I was feeling pretty bullet proof.

When I walked into church I felt like I received “a look” from a woman across the room.  Now, I do not know if #1-that look was meant for me or #2 how the look was meant. For all I know, she could have been doing a personal breath check and realized she could ward off vampires.

I just know when I saw “the look” I got a little deflated.

I started thinking…”if she only knew what I went through to get here…Can you not give me a little grace?” In that moment, I wanted to share with her the obstacles I went through just to get in the building and the victory of finally bringing the suckers; so she would give me grace.


That’s when it hit me. I realized I needed to give grace too.

Like I said, I didn’t know what that look meant or even if it was meant for me. Regardless, instead of stewing over a “might have been” facial expression I needed to pass the grace cup and let her have a swig.


Now, in this situation it was easy to offer up the grace cup. We weren’t interacting. But this wasn’t the test. This was the lesson.

God took this opportunity to show me when I need grace from people who aren’t gracious, I need to show grace to them instead. This lesson wasn’t about whether or not “that look” was for me or possible bad breath. It was for future reference.

For the days ahead, when I find myself doing all I can to be an awesome wife/mom/daughter/sister/friend and I still come up short and others notice. I need to give grace even if I feel they don’t deserve it.


Maybe if I am an example of grace to them, they will start showing it to other people. Grace is giving unearned kindness. Who can you give it to today? Is it the barista that makes your coffee wrong? Is it the grandparent that let your kid nap too long? Is it your husband that… (ill let you fill in the blank on this one)?

Grace because you don’t know what they are going through.

Grace because you don’t know what happens in their home.

Grace because you don’t know if their toddler is a psycho.

Grace because you don’t know the day they’ve had.

Ephesians 4:29 “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”


Let’s build each other up this week! I encourage you to find opportunities to show grace and please share them with us!

About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Lover of Jesus, farm life, and healthy living… but baking some dang good cakes while doing it! Find me writing about my relationship with Christ, my lineman husband, and adventures as a veteran 2-under-2 momma. Cheers! – Trisha


  1. Liz Chapman | 18th Jul 18

    I love how you said to give grace because while they may not know what we are going through we also don’t know what they are going through. Great reminder.

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