
How To Make The MOST Out Of Valentine’s Day This Year

Valentine’s Day is just a few days away! Valentine’s Day is typically a holiday surrounded by the idea of romance, togetherness, [amazon_textlink asin=’B018COT3VW’ text=’gifts‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’81aa28c0-fd2e-4c6c-b4e1-0c591620ad2e’], and celebration. I’m all about taking time to invest in your marriage and couples’ care, but also believe it’s important to focus on self-care and self-growth, within and for a relationship. If we, ourselves, are happy and fulfilled, we can ultimately show up completely whole for others.

Choosing Your Spouse

Whether your marriage is on point or it needs a little TLC… we all need to be reminded of certain principles to have a more enjoyable relationship. Marriage doesn’t just “happen”; you must be intentionally choosing your spouse every day.

The 4 “S” Words You Want To Be Doing This Year

It’s the New Year and with good intentions we all set our minds on different aspects of our lives to improve upon. The most common resolutions include health and fitness, organization, saving money, traveling, etc. These are all great resolutions and I’ve pulled my own resolutions from each of these categories as well. However, I do have another resolution category that I will be focused on for 2019…

7 Commitments To Surviving The 7 Year Itch

Today, October 8th 2018, I find myself reflecting with gratitude and disbelief, as I celebrate my marriage to this guy… for a whole SEVEN, crazy, wonderful years.