
6 Surprising Steps To Become a “Max-Out” Mama

I don’t know about you, but I have a strong desire to be a “Max-Out” Mama. My goal is to MAX OUT my life in every area, by making the most out of each role and responsibility that I have. Each day we’re given the opportunity to create our own stories, which raises the question: What kind of life do YOU want to live?

“The World’s Okayest Stay At Home Mom”

Hi, my name is Kaitlin and I’m just an okay stay at home mom.

Girl, You Are A Badass!

Girl, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, CEO, Working Mom, Stay-at-home Mom, Dog Mom, Wife, Girlfriend, Teenager, Middle-Ager, Sweet and Feisty 90-year-old-Grandma…it doesn’t matter…You’re a BADASS!