
Change The Scenery With These 4 Outdoor Workouts


Vitamin D + aerobic activity is a recipe for happiness!

A lot of focus these days is about going to a gym, and high-speed indoor workouts. Seems like equipment or fancy treadmills are required. However, I’m here to say that’s not at all necessary for a legit workout.

Raising A Child With Severe Eczema

This little sweetie… (pictured below) made me a mommy on January 27th. I read parenting books and blogs. I made schedules and followed them to a ‘T.’ I asked my mom, sisters, and in-laws for all of their best parenting advice. Everything was going well into my first few months of motherhood.

The Ultimate – And Safe – Full Body Pregnancy Workout

When you find out you’re pregnant, exercising may not be the first thing that races through your mind. No pun intended. This is especially true during the first trimester because it seems like sleeping 24/7 wouldn’t even be enough. It can be very difficult to find the energy during pregnancy to get up and workout, but for me (and so many others), it was SO worth it.

How I Saved $181 Making My Own Baby Food


Okay – you’re 4-6 months into this baby-raising thing. You’re starting to feel like a pro with diapers, naps, bottles and/or breastfeeding. But at your 6-month appointment (or maybe sooner) your pediatrician tells you it’s time to start solids. Baby food. Lovely.