
You Might Have A Chunky Baby If…

Lover of rubber band wrists? Squishy cheeks? Chubby toes? Thigh rolls on rolls on rolls? Then… you might have a chunky baby.

“Thoughts Of A Toddler” Continued… Things My Feisty Four Year Old Says

I know it’s different for every family, but we didn’t go through the terrible two’s or “threenager” stage, really.

Thoughts Of A Toddler

Toddler:  An emotionally unstable tiny dictator with the ability to know exactly how far to push you towards utter insanity before reverting to an adorable, loving cuddle monster.

How To Dominate A Last Minute Disney Trip

Within our group of friends, we made a promise that before we departed each trip or occasion, we would plan our next “friendcation” to give us something to look forward to. So back in November, when we celebrated “Friendsgiving” in North Carolina, we decided everyone would come to our house in Jacksonville and take the kids on a day trip to Disney in April.

7 Ways to Manage Your Very Manipula—-I Mean, “Opinionated” Toddler

Have you ever carried a screaming child out of Target? Or had a philosophical debate with an opinionated toddler about wearing pants? Or rocked yourself in a corner in the fetal position because your kid JUST. WON’T. EAT. DINNER?

No? Oh. Just asking for a friend…