How To Manage Your Long Distance Relationship

Long distance is a familiar term to the Marren family.

Brad and I lived in separate cities for approximately 3 of our 7 married years.  Frankly, it was frustrating and painful at times – but surprisingly, there were huge benefits too.

For those families facing geographic separation, today I wanted to share 1.) the surprising perks to a LDR, as well as 2.) tips on how to manage.

7 Ways To Take Control Of Your Thoughts

Did you know it has been estimated that the average human being has around 50,000 thoughts per day? (That’s insane!)

You may not have realized the scale of that number, but have you ever considered the kinds of thoughts you allow into your mind? How many of the 50,000 are positive? How many are negative?

An Ode To Your Firstborn

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve started and stopped writing this post.

On this attempt, Lilly sits on the couch watching a movie (she’s feeling a little under the weather) and I start jotting down my thoughts laying on the floor next to her. She looks so perfect in that moment, that I kiss her little foot—which has lost all of the extra delicious baby chunk it once contained. It’s long, skinny, and it has Barbie pink toenails. It’s not the foot of a baby; it’s the foot of a little girl.

The Cutest Shabby Chic DIY Crib Mobile For Little Girls

I kept seeing all of these really cute mobiles on Pinterest and Etsy and decided I had to have one in my little one’s nursery… until I saw the price tag. There’s no way I was going to pay $30 + shipping fees for a cute accessory my baby will likely not care too much about. I knew I could probably make one just as cute and exactly the way I wanted it (to match her room perfectly).  I am proud to announce it cost less than $15 to make my own DIY crib mobile and looks just as good – if not better – than a store bought one.

This Breakfast Salad Will Change Your Morning Game


Here’s what you’ll need:

-Arugula + Spinach Mix


-Cherry Tomatoes

(ANY veggies you have laying around or leftover will work)

-Oranges (any fruit will do)


-Bacon (Whole 30 approved bacon is Maverick Ranch)

-1 Egg (or two)

-Tessamae’s Lemon Garlic Dressing


  1.  Toss the arugula/spinach mix with dressing.  (You can also use olive oil + any citrus + salt and pepper if you don’t have that particular dressing)
  2. Cook the bacon to your preference.  I like to cook mine in the oven on low broil- crispy & easy clean up.
  3. Cut up your veggies and throw in the bowl.  You can put ANYTHING you like in there.  Mushrooms, sweet potato slices, peppers, onions…the more the merrier! 
  4. Once the bacon is done (and drained), place it in the bowl and cook the eggs (see below).  
  5. Enjoy!

Uncle Scott’s Jelly Eggs

  1. Boil water- enough to cover the egg(s)
  2. Once the water is at a rolling boil, carefully add 1 or 2 eggs with a spoon.   Make sure you put the spoon in and let the egg roll out- otherwise it will *surprise* crack in the water.
  3. If you are cooking 1 egg, boil for 6 minutes and 30 seconds.  If you are boiling 2 eggs, boil for 6 minutes and 30 seconds (YES the same amount of time for 1 or 2 eggs).  Set your timer!
  4. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and place them into an ice bath (water + ice cubes) for about 5 minutes.

Peel the eggs, rinse, cut ’em open and enjoy!
