30 Ways YOU Can Give This Holiday Season

The weather is cooler, leaves are changing, and Halloween is over, which means it’s officially The Holiday Season! [Cue Christmas music.] When I think of the holidays, I think of family and friend get-togethers, eating good food, and GIVING. After all, isn’t that what the season is intended to be about?


What better way to bring light, joy, and positivity to those around you, than by giving intentionally and with a good heart. In a challenging world, it’s important to place emphasis on someone other than ourselves and to try to be a light wherever we go.




There are many scriptures in the Bible that refer to giving, but one of my favorites is Proverbs 11:25: “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

What is so awesome about giving is that when you do it with a pure heart, and for all the right reasons, you will also be blessed. Not only will you receive God’s blessings, but you will feel pretty wonderful too!  Nothing touches me more and puts me in a better mood than when I give to others, and I see how joyful they become.




November is a special month; one that gets many people excited for the holidays and brings the extra awareness and motivation to give.

Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that began seven years ago to encourage individuals, communities, and organizations to celebrate generosity worldwide. I love the idea of #GivingTuesday because it brings awareness, and allows people the opportunity to not only give financially, but to give their time, gifts, and talents, in a fun and creative way.

This year, Giving Tuesday, will be held on November 27th. Hopefully, this movement will encourage and motivate all of us to practice giving year round.




The thought of bringing joy, positivity, encouragement, and meaning to others is critical in our world today. Don’t YOU want to be someone who brings positivity to the world, and puts a smile on someone’s face? The world needs more difference-makers! 


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There are so many unique ways to give, that can all bring a special meaning and importance to an individual or community. If you’re interested in giving and being a difference-maker this year, here are 30 Amazing Ways You Can Be A Giver This Holiday Season:



30 Amazing Ways You Can Be A Giver This Holiday Season:

1.) Give financially to any charity or program that you feel called to give to.

2.) Offer a listening ear to a coworker, good friend, or family member.

3.) Pay for someone’s meal.

4.) Send an encouraging text or [amazon_textlink asin=’B01M0TTHCH’ text=’card‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c322f997-e6ad-11e8-8dee-1f015baa9e16′].

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5.) Offer to babysit a friend’s child, free of charge.

6.) Buy a boss or coworker a [amazon_textlink asin=’B07BLJDV2D’ text=’cup of their favorite coffee‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’e7816e83-e6ad-11e8-92ed-cb577166c730′].

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7.) Surprise your significant other with a car wash.

8.) Volunteer to visit the elderly at a nursing home.

9.) Host a get-together at your house.

10.) Surprise someone with a delicious, home-cooked meal.

11.) Take a girlfriend out for a glass of wine.

[amazon_link asins=’B0145WJJVO,B01LBUG9CK,B00CH67Y54,B075CBYWBC,B01AVTQ1D4,B00MIINUXG,B01NCUD1SH,B0728454M3′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’241f021e-e6ae-11e8-9679-4da4564a0d43′]

12.) Be a prayer warrior.

13.) Lend one of your favorite books to a friend.

14.) Send an anonymous gift.

15.) Volunteer in your community.

16.) Sponsor a family to provide a meal for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

17.) Walk the dogs at your local humane society.

18.) [amazon_textlink asin=’B00H32IEW4′ text=’Send flowers‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3521b6f9-e6ae-11e8-891b-5fe8ab4904cb’] to someone who is going through a difficult time.

[amazon_link asins=’B00FQ24602,B00H32IEW4,B00H32IATQ,B00FQ24A9Y,B00FQ24SJQ,B00WT1O8AG,B00DYYTHPS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4046ce3c-e6ae-11e8-8b30-2f6e0e238204′]

19.) Tell someone close to you how much they mean to you.

20.) Do something kind for a stranger.

21.) Smile at 10 people.

22.) Bake your favorite dessert and share with coworkers.

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23.) Donate clothes or home items.

24.) Offer to step out of your comfort zone to help someone in need.

25.) Select a child or family to bring presents to this Christmas season.

26.) Give out 5 spontaneous hugs (hugs make everyone feel better).

[amazon_link asins=’B074PBGM1F,B077GBS51Q,B076PY8TL3,B076NCCDWQ,B07G7GRVQ6,B076G91ZH1′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’aa69fa0e-e6ae-11e8-a811-33fc604a954b’]

27.) Offer to carry someone’s groceries to their car.

28.) Create a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child.

29.) Serve food at your local soup kitchen.

30.) Create a work-out plan for someone who needs a boost with their personal fitness.

[amazon_link asins=’B0756CRJT1,B075XC9MQK,B01HF0CSSO,B077KQCL7Z,B0725HZV7H,B074BP17S6,B01GEYWU6M,B075B4XCCK’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’c50cfa75-e6ae-11e8-a945-fd1e97c12d5a’]

How will you give to OTHERS this holiday season?



About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Christian, wife to Josh, mom to Mia and Boone. Find me writing about life as a new mom, fitness, and “fitness whole pizza in my mouth.” Cheers! – Cayla


  1. Alexandra | 14th Nov 18

    What a beautiful post! 🙂 I love the inspiration here. I am going to tick off as many of these things that I can. Thanks for sharing, and I hope you have a beautiful holiday season.

    • Cayla | 20th Nov 18

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season as well!

  2. ShootingStarsMag | 14th Nov 18

    Great ideas! I’ve given an anonymous gift before, and it’s great. I love Operation Christmas too.


    • Cayla | 20th Nov 18

      I agree! Making those precious shoeboxes and giving anonymously tend to bring extra joy and excitement this time of year 🙂

  3. Kelly Bolen | 14th Nov 18

    I never heard of giving Tuesday before!! And I love the ideas, it isn’t always about giving material things but also your time too!!! Love it!

    • Cayla | 20th Nov 18

      I hadn’t either, until learning about it through my work. I love the idea! Hopefully it encourages people to give year-round!

  4. Lyndsey @Dearlyndsey | 14th Nov 18

    I Love this idea and I try to give when I can. You have a great list of ways to give some I have never thought about. I think send flowers is my favorite on the list it just always brightens my day seeing beautiful flowers.

    • Cayla | 20th Nov 18

      Thank you, Lyndsey. It’s so wonderful that you try to give when you can. The world would be a better place if we all gave more. I hope you’re able to get some beautiful flowers this Holiday season!

  5. jenna | the urben life | 14th Nov 18

    These are really great ideas! I started frequently our local coffee shop. I should pick up the tab for the person behind me next time 🙂

    • Cayla | 20th Nov 18

      Thank you, Jenna! What a wonderful idea- I’m sure that would make someone’s day! 🙂

  6. D | 14th Nov 18

    This is quite the list! Some simple things for us yet for someone else it may mean the world to them. You might just make there day too! I am bookmarking this as I would like to do as many as I can! I actually did one of these today without realising it. I actually bought a cup of coffee for a co-worker and we sat for a quick coffee break and got talking. It was a lovely chat and she appreciated the coffee so much!

    D, xo || from https://livedreamcreate-d.com

    • Cayla | 20th Nov 18

      That’s so awesome, D. I’m so glad that you were able to make your co-worker’s day by chatting over a cup of coffee. Hopefully, you will be surprised and blessed by someone else soon! Sometimes the most simple thoughts and gestures can make the most impact!

  7. Erin Haugerud | 15th Nov 18

    Great list! We’ll be doing some of these for sure!

    • Cayla | 20th Nov 18

      Thanks for stopping by! I’d love more giving ideas, if you have any 🙂

  8. Melissa | 24th Nov 18

    I love all these ideas!! Thanks for sharing!!

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