9 Ways You Can Actually Achieve Your New Years Goals

As 2018 hits the finish line, a brand new year welcomes us on the other side. So many things can happen in one year, and hopefully the motivation to grow and be better strikes hard as 2019 begins.



Something that I take away from this past year, as I reflect on it is this:

Life can be, and is intended to be, everything that YOU want it to be.

In a busy world, one that is often pressed for time and can have the incredible ability to steal joy, confidence, and self-worth before your eyes, it’s so important to pause and check in with yourself from time to time.

It can be easy to find yourself stuck in constant mind battle, wondering if you’re good enough or have what it takes to be successful in life. I find that [amazon_textlink asin=’198615369X’ text=’setting goals‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’0c3ec115-0ea6-11e9-8755-01fe85619ecb’] and finding the motivation for personal development helps keep my life in some order.

[amazon_link asins=’B076BCDJZY,B07BT4LGX1,B01KEU5GOA,B07BL634W9,B07BTRTDJB,B076BKJCK3,B07B29Z2CZ,B0784ZDFFH,B07BYYNVQP’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’fe6fc0f6-0ea5-11e9-8e90-e1c4800d6a2f’]

My goals give me something to aim for and give me a clear focus. Having goals helps me to gain confidence as I watch them being met; great satisfaction comes as you watch your own progress in life! Especially now that I am a mother, I desire to keep pressing forward to set and achieve bigger goals.


Self-reflection allows you the opportunity to truly dig in and evaluate where you are in life. Have there been increases or decreases in significant areas? Am I a better or worse person than I was a year ago? Have I uplifted and encouraged others, or have I brought constant complaints and negativity?

If you have the desire to improve your life, these are deep questions that are worth investigating.

I’ve realized that life is TOO short to [amazon_textlink asin=’1400201659′ text=’look back and wish you had done and accomplished more‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2949e7f7-0ea6-11e9-8201-cb1473f86d56′]. That thought alone gives me the desire for advancement!


But goals without a means for obtaining them is pointless. I like the idea of creating goals from a more “structured” perspective, and hope that these 9 Tips For Reaching Your Goals will allow you to set and achieve new goals for yourself as well.


1.) Set long and short-term goals.

What do you hope for your life this year? What about in 5 years? 10 years? There is value in using your short-term goals to support your BIG goals as well.

2.) Set ambitious goals.

Ask yourself… what type of things would bring growth to each area of your life?

3.) Set goals of passion.

What could you do to bring excitement and challenge to your life?

4.) Write down your goals.

The book “[amazon_textlink asin=’0785222081′ text=’Knockout Entrepreneur‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’8b916e97-0ea4-11e9-a9a9-977ece62216d’]” by George Foreman, discusses the importance of writing down goals. Statistics say that we are more likely to accomplish a goal if it’s written down. *Cue happy dance for being able to check something off of a list!*

5.) Constantly visualize your goals.

Put your written list on your fridge, at your desk at work, or in a [amazon_textlink asin=’1593596723′ text=’cute notebook‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’44d0b811-0ea6-11e9-b3f5-4d302aec10bc’] that you use regularly.

[amazon_link asins=’B07BB62NRH,B01B8ICYGU,B01LY677HT,1545459959,B074K9VJ6K,B01N1P2CPR,B06XFXXHW3,1593596723,B078HSTTHT’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’4ec0f838-0ea6-11e9-9677-95178acd9b3f’]

6.) Hold yourself accountable.

Refer to your written list frequently, and make it a priority to accomplish your goals.

7.) Check in with your goals.

Self-reflect. Take time to check in with yourself to examine where you are and what you’re accomplishing. You owe it to yourself to be all that God created you to be!

8.) Find a support system for your goals.

Check in with your family and friends. It can be helpful to check in with loved ones to see how you’re doing, from their perspective.


9.) Categorize your goals.

Another tactic that has helped me organize and set goals has been to categorize them. Along with your standard short and long-term goals, some specific categories can be:

Financial goals:

  1. Pay off debt.
  2. Budget to maximize monthly income.

Self care:

  1. Take control of your day.
  2. Do something nice for YOURSELF.
  3. Try to manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way.
  4. Workout and choose healthier food options.


  1. Plan a family trip.
  2. Be engaged and present.
  3. Start some new traditions.


  1. Read a [amazon_textlink asin=’0446538582′ text=’daily devotional. ‘ template=’ProductLink’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’37890587-0ea5-11e9-ac06-d3e7cf12ba1f’]
  2. Get connected at your church.
  3. Plan to attend a mission trip.


  1. Love more, worry less.
  2. Reduce unnecessary bickering.


  1. Travel to a new city or country.
  2. Attend a show or sporting event.

[amazon_link asins=’B071VRKDDN,B07588N3HJ,B077Z2322L,B078MZD1PJ,B01N7LXH5N,B071D3NDQ8,B072MDY6H4,B06XXVTPFS’ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’poms2moms-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’6958d489-0ea6-11e9-9fa2-954953608dbf’]

Finally, if you’re looking for inspiration for setting goals in the new year, here are a few examples of some of my goals for 2019:

  1. Be fully present in each area of my life.
  2. Read a new book each month.
  3. Be the most positive person I know.
  4. Bless someone every day, in some way.
  5. Love more and stress less.
  6. Pay off my student loans (I actually just did this and feel so free!).
  7. Start my master’s degree.
  8. Travel to another country.
  9. Grow my family (give me ALL THE BABIES).
  10. Be the best version of myself!


What are some goals that you have for yourself or for your family this upcoming year? How do you plan to live them out?

Wishing YOU a safe, happy, and healthy New Year!


About The Author


Founder & author of the parenting & lifestyle blog, Poms2Moms. Christian, wife to Josh, mom to Mia and Boone. Find me writing about life as a new mom, fitness, and “fitness whole pizza in my mouth.” Cheers! – Cayla


  1. Jill | 2nd Jan 19

    These are great tips for achieving goals. I am a big fan of writing down goals and visualizing, but I’ve never put them in categories and I love that idea. I have big goals for 2019 so this is perfect!

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      Thanks, Jill! My husband and I both want to stick to writing down goals and hanging them somewhere convenient so we can constantly look at them! Praying you reach all of your big goals for 2019!

  2. Denise Riehle | 2nd Jan 19

    Love your including making long-term and short-term goals! Those short-term goals get your something to be proud of faster and that keeps me going in the long run!

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      You’re so right! Great satisfaction comes when accomplishing a bunch of short-term goals…and gives you motivation to accomplish the long-term ones. Happy New Year!

  3. Ayanna | 2nd Jan 19

    Writing them down and separating them into different categories has helped me so much over the years.

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      That’s great to hear, Ayanna! I definitely want to make it a habit for myself and for my family over the years!

  4. Sara | 2nd Jan 19

    Your tips are great! They go hand in hand with what I have been working on as well, creating and planning goals for this next year! I think finding a support system is very important. You need people who will cheer you on, as well as hold you accountable.

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      Thank you, Sara! I completely agree about finding and having a support system. Self-motivation is great, but for those seasons when you need a little extra motivation, it’s so nice to be able to look to others for help and accountability!

  5. Karen | 2nd Jan 19

    I have definitely found that when I write things down, I am much more likely to finish or complete them!

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      Same here, Karen! There is also great joy that comes from being able to cross something off of list 🙂

  6. Julie Plagens | 3rd Jan 19

    I like where you talk about visualizing your goals. I have been seeing myself doing certain things for several years now. I think it has really helped me to reach for things I never thought I could do. I don’t allow myself any negative talk. You have a very thorough list of all sorts of areas in life. Great thinking through it.

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      Thanks so much, Julie. I love that you don’t allow yourself to talk negatively- that’s HUGE…in life and when trying to set and accomplish goals. I definitely need to make that a goal myself this year!

  7. Emily | 3rd Jan 19

    These are all great tips. I definitely think writing down your annual goals is important. There’s something about taking pen to paper that really seals the deal for me! It helps me visualize the goal and somehow makes it seem a little more attainable.

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      Thanks, Emily. You’re so right! It’s something I just started doing, and I agree with you, when you write them down it makes you want to accomplish them more!

  8. Kayla | 3rd Jan 19

    I love your goals and ideas on how to stay on top of them. Visualizing and accountability are great ways to get it done.

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      Thanks so much for stopping by…I wish you ALL the best in 2019!

  9. Dr. K. Lee Banks | 4th Jan 19

    Great post, and YES to writing goals down! This is so important, and helps with both motivation and accountability. I applaud you for your 2019 goals and best wishes on achieving them! As a lifelong learner, having just earned my doctorate degree last year, I’m especially happy to see you’re looking to earn your master’s degree.

    • Cayla | 9th Jan 19

      Thanks so much for reading! I appreciate your kind words and congratulate YOU on earing your doctorate…what an incredible accomplishment!!

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