Mother’s Day: What We Really Want

Calling all men! Husbands, fiancés, boyfriends, significant others… Mother’s Day is upon us! And because we only ask you to read our minds the other 364 days of the year, out of the kindness of our hearts, we have put together a very simple list of what we really want. All in one spot, just for you, this is the 11-point guide to truly awesome Mother’s Day wish list items.


But before we get into the list, please know that the first thing that we all really want on Mother’s Day is to be surrounded by the people that made us mothers (the babies and the dads.)  We want to be shown that all the work we do is appreciated and share in the love that bonds us as a family.

On Mother’s Day, we want quality time with YOU. We will not, however, turn our noses up at gifts that provide a little peace and quiet… on another day.  😉

So without further adieu, here is the Ultimate Mother’s Day Wish List. 


1.) At Home Wine Date 

We all want wine, but the setting in which we drink it can make the all the difference. Typically after the girls are in bed, we sit on the couch, watch TV, play on our phones and do little talking or catching up. One night Drew surprised me with an “evening-at-home date,” and he hit a home run! While I put the girls to bed, Drew was outside starting a fire. When I came downstairs, he had a bottle of wine, two glasses, and the baby monitor all set up. We could enjoy each others’ company while also enjoying wine, the outdoors, (and not having to pay for a babysitter.)  It was a very simple date idea that I loved!

2.) Personalized Jewelry

This idea hits two sweet spots:  1.) It is jewelry, which all women love, and 2.) it shows time and thought because it is personalized!  There are lots of options here for you.  Sneak onto your wife’s Etsy app on her phone and I guarantee she has some sort of personalized jewelry saved in her cart.  Another popular option is Stella and Dot. They have many options for necklaces, rings, and bracelets that can include your child’s name and/or birthstones.  If you do not have as much time, Alex and Ani has a great selection of cute bracelets that can feature either your child’s initial or birth stone, as well.


3.) Spa Day/Massage

I’m a mom of two; and those little nuggets can wear… me… out. While I’d rather spend actual Mother’s Day with my girls, I am absolutely, 100% not saying no to a day at the spa the following weekend.

As a Raleigh girl, the Umstead Hotel and Spa is the place to go. Count me in for a deep-tissue massage, facial, and water treatment pampering for a solid 4-6 hours, please and thank you. I actually prefer the company of my number one guy, so Dave, if you’re reading this, sign yourself up too. 😉

If a trip to the spa is out of budget, a little at-home self-indulgence can be just as satisfying. This foot massager for an “at home” pedicure along with a new jazzy nail polish will instantly improve your mood. This Estee Lauder Night Repair Mask may actually change your life.  Or, just cut up 2 cucumber slices for your tired eyes and run a bubble bath with your favorite essential oils, (*and email if you need help getting started with essential oils!*)

4.) Weekender Bag

Ok, I know I literally just asked for a luxurious spa day, but I’m generally not a high-maintenance kind of girl. HOWEVER… one other teeny-tiny indulgence I may like to partake in is a nice designer bag. (Back off. I birthed two perfect humans from my now forever-warped body. I deserve nice things.)

I’m in high need of a new weekender bag, because weekend trips away give me life, and this Kate Spade Weekender Bag totally has my attention.


5.) A Day Trip 

Speaking of trips, I love to spend good, uninterrupted quality time with my family, especially in one of my favorite places. It would be a HUGE treat for Josh to take the initiative in planning a fun and relaxing day trip for our family. It’s refreshing to get a change in scenery, get out of town, and do something fun. A day trip to the mountains (aka my “happy place”) would be happily accepted ANYTIME!

To make it even better, what if you had a mini photo session while you were there? Quality time with your family + documentation of your trip…priceless!

6.) Breakfast in Bed

Imagine sleeping in and not having to wake up to an alarm or a crying baby, but rather to the sound and smell of bacon frying on the griddle. You take a deep breath in, stretch out, and get fully woken up to a delicious breakfast in bed, followed by sweet kisses from your family. You get to enjoy a warm breakfast and a hot cup of coffee, without having to rush to do anything else. It doesn’t have to be a dream…it can be real life. Come on Dads, make this happen!


7.) Ugg Slippers

Demetrius and I have traded in our matching Louboutins for matching Ugg Slippers.  Seriously, I know I live in Florida but there’s not a DAY that goes by that I don’t wear these puppies (ok, they now make “toes out version” and I’M SURE they did it for me!) They are SO comfortable and keep your toesies just the right temperature and honestly, you just NEVER know what’s lurking on the floor waiting to smash between your toes or ruin your buzz (legos.)

I wear them pretty much all day and I’d be lying if I told you these things haven’t been to the grocery store before.  Ask me how much I care?  If you don’t have some nice slippers, these are for sure the ticket.

8.) Raised Garden Beds

My obsession with the garden totally stemmed from my mom, (pun intended.)  We never knew what to get her for Mother’s Day so my dad would always order a bunch of mulch, flowers, and plants for her to mess with in the garden (aka keep her busy outside so she wasn’t micromanaging everyone).

These raised garden beds are the absolute best because they look nice, they’re affordable, and they hold way more veggies than I thought.  If you love gardening or just flowers in general, ask you family to roll up their sleeves and help you in the yard.  There’s nothing that says “I love you” more than jumping in and helping out.

OH and if anyone wants to come do all of my laundry for like, the next year, tell me where to sign up.


9.) Guilt-free Mani/Pedi/Salon Appointment – 

The mothers I know give of themselves so completely, taking care of others before taking care of themselves. My mom is case-in-point. I imagine that for the mommas of younger kids, an independent outing is a rarity.

That’s why I would recommend (1) getting that special person the royal treatment, but also (2) coordinating the time for it.  Figure out the child care arrangements and other responsibilities so her mind is completely at ease when she’s getting pampered.

A peaceful mind is a slice of heaven.


10.) Handwritten Notes/Words of Encouragement –

No this isn’t the gift for everyone, but it’s free and it’s one that takes time and thought. Our lives are so busy we often forget to express how much people mean to us or thank them for the things they do. In some cases, kind words may be spoken to us but are very rarely absorbed because of the million other things going on in the mind of a mom.

So I encourage all of the husbands out there to write YOUR mom a note and help your kids write one for their mom too. Us mamas need to feel appreciated and encouraged. (*Plus when something is written down, it can always be re-read… literally the gift that keeps on giving.) You can find cute stationary just about anywhere, but I love these on Amazon.

11.) Acts of Service –

I love to come home to a clean house! We do not use a cleaning service so I am “the cleaning lady.” If this is the case in your home too, acts of service can go a long way. Imagining my kids and husband cleaning the house while I pretend to be Cleopatra, lounging in my bed eating grapes sounds absolutely amazing!

So either clean up yourself, or hire a cleaning service for a few months (or life) to give mom a much deserved break! If you decide to go you do this task on your own, here are some of my favorite cleaning products to help get your house super clean and smelling great!

And one last thing; don’t forget little crafts from your kids.  Things that they create with us in mind with their own tiny precious hands, stick with us forever.  Check out our Pinterest page for ideas!

So to all the moms reading this – I hope we have included something that you would love! If not, we want to hear your suggestions!

To all the dads that have been forwarded this from your significant other – as Maui would say, “You’re welcome.” Also, let us know what you have done so we can give you a digital high five!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you incredible mamas out there!

About The Author


Poms2Moms is a parenting & lifestyle blog authored by 6 friends who cheered together at Appalachian State. Follow our journey as wives, moms, & friends.


  1. Bailey | 5th May 18

    These are excellent ideas! Totally gave me inspiration for my mother-in-law.

    • Shelley | 7th May 18

      Girl, those slippers sound like a mother-and-law’s dream! We actually got some for mine for Christmas and she LOVES them!

  2. Gwen Serrano | 7th May 18

    The spa/massage is number one on my list. Hope hubby reads this. 🙂

    • Kaitlin | 7th May 18

      Gwen, I hope you get it! (Cross your fingers for me, too.) 😉

  3. Erin @ Her Heartland Soul | 7th May 18

    I am ALL about a spa day!!

    • Kaitlin | 7th May 18

      SAME! It sounds so high-maintenance, but one time a year please SIGN ME UP!

  4. Melissa Javan | 7th May 18

    I want all of this please!! But I’d settle for breakfast in bed, me not cooking lunch and a spa day 🙂

    • Kaitlin | 7th May 18

      Melissa, isn’t that the truth?! It’s the little things that matter most but a spa day just sounds divine!

  5. Katie Walsh Beck | 7th May 18

    All of these are such great ideas! Some years I have gotten breakfast in bed, but my favorite has to be hand written notes from the kids 🙂

    • Kaitlin | 7th May 18

      Aw, Katie, that’s so sweet! Our babies are a little younger, so I can’t wait for those kinds of gifts as they grow. <3

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